Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learn How To Keep Learning

To become a better player, you’ll not only have to study, but you’ll have to be willing to change. You’ve come this far, all you have to do now is learn how to keep learning. Here are some tips:

Player Notes:
We’ve already talked about how to learn to start reading players, but it’s such a great too, we just have to repeat ourselves. Though you don’t have to keep detailed notes on all the online players you come across, try to at least determine player types and typical betting habits of each. For instance, if you are at a table with an aggressive player who always over-bets the pot when they have a weak hand, it’s valuable to write notes about that player. Why? Because though you may not ever play against that particular player again, you will play against people who play in that same style, and knowing how that kind of player acts is extremely valuable.

A good player not only knows how to quickly calculate outs and pot odds, they also know how well they are doing. When playing online, there are a lot of tools you can use to keep track of your statistics. Though it’s easy to get lost in all the numbers, you should start by keeping track of the following;
The tournaments you enter, their buy-ins and your winnings and losses.
Your total winnings and losses.
How often you see a flop. (as a percentage.)
Some players use spreadsheets and in-depths statistics on all the games they play, but don’t feel you have to hire someone from NASA to keep track of the numbers. Even writing down the kinds of games you play in and how well you did is valuable. For instance, if you play both no-limit and limit hold ‘em, your statistics may show that you are significantly better at one than the other. If you want to make more money, sticking to the game(s) you are the best at will be the best way to go, but you’ll only get there if you record that basic data.

Your Poker Journal:
You should also keep track of your own plays and what patterns you may be unaware of. People in general tend to fall into habits, and if you get into a bad poker habit, you may not realize you are doing it until you’ve lost a lot of money. Keep a poker journal on yourself. Write down the hands where you got beat, how they progressed, who did what, and all the information you can remember about each of them. Write down how you were playing when you finished high in a tournament and try to learn how to do it again. By learning your own strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be much better able to learn how to change your behavior and improve your game.

Find an idol:
With the explosion of poker’s popularity, the amount of poker research available to you has become enormous. Use it. Find a professional poker player, writer or website that you find helpful and learn what they have to teach you. Read books, watch poker on TV and immerse yourself in the details and technicalities. The more you learn, the better your game will be.

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